Monday, 9 April 2012

Photos on Facebook

One of the downsides of friends being able to upload and tag you in photos is that everyone gets to see monstrosities like this:

I look so BIG!
For once it's not all in my head, I actually look so much fatter than all my friends in the photos from that night. I had a great time whilst I was there, but that is hard to remember when I realise what I must have looked like to everyone else.

Wednesday, 4 April 2012


I have a horrible sore throat, sore neck, a pounding head and no energy.
Needless to say, exercise is the last thing I feel like doing.
I'm trying hard not to eat everything in the cupboards.

Monday, 2 April 2012

Trying to clamber back on to the bandwagon...

...but it's pretty difficult because I'm now 192lbs.
How on earth did I gain so much weight in such a short amount of time?
It's like my metabolism has just packed in and decided that everything I eat will turn straight to fat.

I've never told my mum what I weigh, but she started talking about cupcakes just after I had weighed myself so I told her I need to lose two stone just to be in the healthy category. Hopefully that will shut her up about how my friends must be 'jealous of your figure'. What world is she living in? I don't have a figure, I'm a blob, whilst my heaviest friend is probably 9 stone. I don't care that I'm the fat friend, I will always be bigger than the rest of them no matter what I do, but my mums comments just get under my skin.