Tuesday, 14 February 2012

Valentine's Day

I am NOT going to let today get to me.
I spent the evening of Valentine's day 2010 with a friend, watching movies and getting very drunk on red wine. Then when I stumbled home, I threw up and nearly fell down the stairs and my parents put me in their bed so they could look after me. Very embarassing and I had the WORST hangover the next day.
I spent the evening of Valentine's day 2011 on my own, eating junk food and getting drunk and feeling sorry for myself. Then a friend persuaded me to go to a party in her flat for all the single people without dates. The guy who I'd slept with three days before was there and told me in no uncertain terms that he had no desire to see me again. This is the guy who went on to be my boyfriend for six months...
So, not a very good track history. I'm hoping that this evening will be spent watching films and getting merry and celebrating being single, without it turning ugly.

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